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  关于”冰雪运动项目“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Ice and snow sports。以下是关于冰雪运动项目初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

  My favote tennis sport can pmote the blood circulation of o body, especially it can let us enjoy healthy sports ry day. It is not only interesting but also does not cost us much. Table tennis is very mild.

  Unlike football, it is an indoor sport, which can be played n in rainy days. It is my favote sport for many years, The question is not who will win, but who will win the second . The U.S.

  owns the not just bee it was invented there. The Soviet Union won the gold medal by beating the U.S. team in a contversial .

  The question now is who will win the second place in Barcelona, and some of the world-famous athletes, Michael Jordan, and the gold medal winning Amecan "dream team" magicians Johnson and Larry Bird held a basketball match in their best basketball match. Since taking part in the Olympic Games, women's basketball has been a split state beeen the United States, the Soviet Union and the independent Federation after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Olympic swimming has gone a long way, to the ce pool contlled by temperate, the wave tugh and the lane si to reduce tbulence.

  As one of the most attractive sports in the Olympic Games, its position is far away fm the early Olympic Games. Men's swimming has become a regular nt in the Olympic Games. Men and women now participate in vaous competitions.

  Each nt consists of fo different stkes as a range of distances. The scope and scope of competition. M only for women, m only for men, butterfly, backstke and breaststke, each with cover and beat.

  All fo stkes are used in the M and M individual medley.



  女子篮球自从参加会以来,就一直是、苏联和苏联解体后联邦之间一种州游泳已经走过了很长一段路,到了温度控制米池,消浪水槽,减少湍流车道标志,作为会最具魅力项目之一,它地位与早期会相去甚远。男子游泳项目已成为年会常规项目,男子和女子现在参加各种比赛。每个项目包括四种不同泳姿,跨过一系列距离。大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!


  Water sports backstke breaststke butterfly individual medley relay medley relay water polo diving m platform nt 3m spngboard nt synchnized diving fm m platform synchnized diving fm m spngboard synchnized diving swimming archery individual nt team nt track and field competition m, m, m, m hdle race x m relay, X M relay 4 ×× high jump pole vlt high jump tple jump shot put thw discus hammer javelin decathlon heptathlon Road Race Walking Competition men's singles Men's Doubles Women's doubles mixed doubles baseball basketball handball hockey / Hockey softball table tennis tennis tennis volleyball beach volleyball bicycle ad cycling track cycling spnt time point race chasing mountain self Equestan Horse Vlting dressage nt fenjinge Epee mnasti mnasti floor exercise pommel horse ng vlt horse vlting horse parallel bar hozontal bar unn bar balance beam artistic mnasti mnasti trampoline modern pentathlon fencing swimming cycling s country running sailboat windsfing male / female Mistral One desi / one handed canoe women's Eupean one handed canoe men's Finn one handed canoe open laser o handed canoe male / female / double canoe open type tornado keel boat male star keel boat female ynling shooting M air fle m air pistol man m running target man m fle pne position m fle three positions man m pistol woman m pistol man m speed shooter gun trap double trap flying scer Tathlon Wimbledon bicycle running weight lifting clean clean and jerk wrestling Greco Roman wing boating wing judo Taekwondo.

  中文翻译:大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  水上运动自由泳仰泳蛙泳蝶泳个人混合泳自由泳接力混合泳接力水球跳水m平台项目3米跳板项目从m平台同步跳水从m跳板同步跳水游泳箭个人项目团体项目田径比赛m,m,m,m,m,m栏m障碍赛x m接力,x m接力4××跳高撑杆跳高跳远三级跳远投掷铅球投掷铁饼锤标枪十项全能七项全能公路赛马拉松竞走球比赛男子单打男子双打女子双打混合双打棒球篮球足球手球曲棍球/曲棍球垒球乒乓球网球排球沙滩排球自行车公路自行车赛道自行车短跑时间点比赛追逐山地自行车马术跳马术盛装舞步项目芬金戈重剑体体体自由体鞍马环跳马跳马双杠单杠高低杠平衡木艺术体体蹦床现代五项击击剑游泳骑行越野跑帆船帆板男/女Mistral one设计/单手小艇女子欧洲单手小艇男式芬恩单手小艇开放式激光双手小艇男/女/双人小艇开放式er多体开放式龙卷风龙骨船男式明星龙骨船女Ynling Shooting m气步枪m气手枪男子m跑步目标男子m步枪俯卧姿势m步枪三个姿势男子m手枪女子m手枪男子m速手枪陷阱双陷阱飞碟三项全能温网自行车跑步举重抓举净挺举摔跤格瑞科罗曼自由式划船划船划船划船柔道跆拳道。

  Water hockey backstke breaststke butterfly individual medley relay medley relay water platform diving synchnized swimming track and field high jump pole vlt long tple jump discus hammer javelin thw competition men's and men's double and double double double doubles baseball, basketball, football, handball, hockey, softball, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, beach volleyball, bicycle, ad self Dving, track cycling, spnt time race, mountain bike chasing, equestan, equestan, dressage, nt, fenxingo Epee, saber, mnasti, floor exercise, pommel horse ng, vlting horse, hozontal bar, unn bar, balance beam artistic mnasti, trampoline, modern pentathlon, fencing, swimming, horse ding and s country running.


  水上曲棍球自由泳仰泳蛙泳蝶泳个人混合泳自由泳接力混合泳接力水上跳台跳水同步游泳田径跳高撑竿跳远三级跳远投铁饼锤标枪球赛男子男子和男子双人和双人混合双打棒球、篮球、足球、手球、曲棍球、垒球、乒乓球、网球、排球、沙滩排球、自行车、公路自行车、赛道自行车冲刺计时赛、追逐山地自行车、马术、马术、盛装舞步、项目、汾辛戈重剑、佩剑、体、自由体、鞍马环、跳马双杠单杠高低杠平衡木艺术体体蹦床现代五项击击剑游泳骑马越野跑大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。

  标签: 新学期  事件 



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